What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision Magazine
7 May 2014

What do we want a television for? If we’re thoroughly modern consumers, it’s unlikely we’ll often sit in front of it at an allotted time in order to watch a broadcast programme. That’s a bit passive these days. Not ‘personal’ enough. Most of the time we’re more likely to use it to gorge on DVD or Blu-ray box-sets, to catch up on recordings we’ve made or to watch streamed content at a time that’s convenient to us. Taking control. Calling the shots. All the stuff that makes us feel empowered. That’s why we’ve gone to such lengths to examine eight high-profile video-streaming services, both on-demand and subscription (p48). After all, if we’re all going to run our own television channel, we want the highest quality and best value for money for the audience. Simon Lucas, Editor

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