Triathlon is a balancing act and i’m just learning the ropes”

2 min read

Pro ultra runner Lucy Bartholomew raced Kona the same year as the UTMB. Here’s what she’s learnt…


Lucy capitalised on her running background to bag a 3:30hr marathon at Ironman Hawaii

Running started as a way to spend more time with my dad when I was 15. When he decided to doa 100-mile ultra I trained alongside him, and on race day I ran from place to place to see him and accidentally ran my first ultra, too!

I break long events down intobite-size pieces and the cool thing with triathlon is that it’s three disciplines. Every time something gets old you’re shaking it up a little bit. It’s not like ultra running where it’s either running or walking.

Triathletes and ultra runners are

99% the same and 1% different. We both love being outside and being ir a world of discomfort, and we all love moving our body. It s a privilege to be able to put yourself in that position where you can learr a lot about yourself.

Probably the biggest challengewith endurance events is that it’s a lot of time inside your own head. Negativity is a default setting for the human brain, but there are ways that you can pull yourself out of it. For me it’s trying to remain present. ‘I’m not doing well now, but it doesn’t mean I can’t do well over this next hill.’

I'm just learning the ropes with triathlon. I learned to clip in just before my first race and to attach time- trial bars the day before my first Ironman. But the raddest thing has been the community pitching in. It's opened my eyes to what | can do other than just put one

foot in front of the other.

In my first Ironman I finshed in 10:20hrs in Busselton, Australia. I barely ate on the bike and didn't know I was allowed to take bottles from the checkpoint. I was unaware of so many things.

Kona was an incredible experience.

To share it with all the women in 2023 was something truly special. I had a challenging day personally but being surrounded by so much support, care and experience was so amazing. It will b

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