How do i manage file locations in cinema 4d 2024?

2 min read


Dani Fernández, Buenos Aires

File management is dull. Thankfully, Cinema 4D 2024 provides an easy way to check the status of all linked files

Cinema 4D has a well-earned reputation for making 3D content creation easy. Well, easier than most other applications anyway. However, the issue is that while making work easy is great, it can also make artists ill-informed of all the complexity that goes on in the background, managed by the software.

Chief among those is how to manage external files properly. As so many Cinema 4D artists only use the excellent built-in Asset Browser for their model and texture needs, knowing where files live may not be an issue. But problems can arise when assets must be shared between artists who may not use Cinema 4D, or exporting files for use in other applications.

Also, many artists may want to add their own files to a model, such as a logo or a particular texture map, which may have been sourced from an application such as Substance 3D Painter. While Cinema 4D can create and manage these with user-specific asset libraries, sometimes it’s easier to know how to troubleshoot.

Thankfully though, Cinema 4D does have an excellent project asset management system that sits separately from the Asset Browser, and can give an artist a quick overview of the status