Airsoft Action Magazine
15 December 2021

So here it is, Issue 133, MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's not only that time of the month again, but indeed, it's THAT TIME OF THE YEAR, and the AA crew have been elf-like hard at work preparing a scrumptious, sizzling, well-stuffed Santa's Sack of a Christmas Issue! As usual at this time of year the cover once again belongs to AA Legionnaire, and our great friend, Bjorn from Klockar Airsoft who always puts us well and truly in the spirit with his now-traditional "Snow Pic"; thank you as always Bjorn! But into the (turkey) meat of the thing, and in this issue Stewbacca takes a long, hard look at VFC's new PSG-1 GBB and reports on the latest Action Air event from Taiwan, Jimmy comes way out of left-field with a budget "416" that looks like it could perform up there with the best of them, whilst Bill continues his look at PPCs, again with something just a bit unusual! Gear is fully represented with Allyssa joining us for her first full review on the revised Helikon-Tex Ladies Line, and Jon continues his deep-delve into the world of tactical preparedness! We've got a couple of in-depth articles on bipods and pistol red-dots (should you bother with either?), whilst Steve T lands his thoughts on the Spitfire Tracer Unit after some thorough testing! We look back on the CYMA AR DMR now it's over a year old, and round it out with what the members of the AA Legion want to find under their tree, along with our usual reviews and opinions on life, airsoft, and everything! Did we mention this is our Christmas issue??? We did, okay! Because of that we have a very illuminating and uplifting gift from Red Cell to all of you, and that's their take on whether or not "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie (it IS!) as they take a look at the guns from films 1 & 2 in an 10 PAGE SPECIAL! We hope that we've provided you for all the ingredients you need for a proper airsoft feast, so for now, kick back, enjoy your Christmas break, and we'll see you again in 2022! As always, keep safe and go play AIRSOFT!

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