What’s in the sky?

1 min read

What to look out for during this observing period

In this issue...

With the spring equinox fast approaching, make the most of the lingering darkness

Where you can find the planets this month and the phases of the Moon

The king of the Solar System takes pride of place, dazzling as the king of the evening sky

Find a crater named after one of the greatest astronomers of the 17th century

Spring nights are perfect for exploring the wonders of Leo and Cancer

Spring is finally here, so now’s the time to go hunting in Coma Berenices and Canes Venatici

Turn your binoculars, telescopes and unaided eyes to the March skies, where there’s plenty on show

We put the Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ to the test

Our pick of the best gifts and accessories for

Asteroid 3 Juno reaches opposition in Leo, glowing at magnitude +8.6

Asteroid 23 Thalia reaches opposition in Leo, glowing at magnitude +9.7

The Moon and Jupiter make a close approach, passing within 3°19’ of each other in Aries

Conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter in Aries

The Moon and Messier 45 make a close approach, within 21.2’ of each other in Taurus

The Moon will pass in front of Beta Tauri, creating a lunar occultation visible from some parts of the world

March equinox

© Getty

Jargon buster

An alignment of objects at the same celestial longitude. The conjunction of the Moon and the planets is determined with reference to the Sun. A planet is in conjuncti

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