
5 min read

If you want dazzling golden summer colours, choose easy-to-grow annual and perennial sunflowers, says Graham Rice

The classic annual sunflower in all its shapes and sizes provides a joyous touch to summer borders. For a reliable show, plant in full sun in a position out of the wind

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WE all recognise sunflowers – plants that, during a sunny summer’s day, gradually turn their big daisy faces to follow the sun from morning until evening – then start their devotion again the following day.

But things are changing in the world of sunflowers, as unexpected colours and whole new styles emerge.

Annual sunflowers can grow from 1½ft (0.5m) in height to more than 29ft (9m) – the world record is 30ft (9.2m) – and new colours, colour combinations and styles are appearing.

There are now rich-red, white and cream-coloured varieties, bicoloured types as well as varieties with a few large flowers or more smaller ones. What they all have in common is their love of sun and their reliability.

Hardy perennial sunflowers have not had the same attention as their annual cousins so are overdue improvements.

Tough, resilient and dependable, perennial sunflowers range in height from 2½-10ft (75cm-3m), but the colours are still limited to the traditional gold and yellow shades although there are varieties with double and anemonecentred (crowned) flowers plus singles.

And now we also have half-hardy perennial sunflowers for summer containers – raised from cuttings! Helianthus annus Sunbelievable Brown Eyed Girl (‘Sunbeliv01’) is the most astonishingly prolific variety. Look out for it.

Sunbelievable Brown Eyed Girl is a half-hardy perennial sunflower that can be raised from cuttings

Large, dark-eyed yellow daisies up to 12in (30cm) across open on tall branched stems. Plant type: Hardy annual. Good for: Impact at the back of the border. Growing tip: Sow seeds in individual pots in a cold greenhouse or on the windowsill to give seedlings a flying start. Also try: ‘Titan’ has larger flower heads, so plants need more support. Hardiness: RHS H4. Height: 13-16½ft (4-5m).

All photographs alamy unless otherwise credited

A single-flowered, pollen-free sunflower with deep wine-red petals (not chocolate brown), each with a tiny white spark at the base. Plant type: Hardy annual. Good for: An exotic border. Growing tip: Thin plants to 16-20in (40-60cm) to encourage branching. Also try: ‘Chocolate’ is more truly a chocolate shade. Hardiness: RHS H4. Height: 4-5ft (1.2-1.6m).

Each flower is rusty orange, with yellow tips to the petals, and a rich dark centre. Plant type: Hardy annual. Good for: A dramatic cut flower, and stunning in front of a bronze-leaved shrubs.

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