Getting to know hawk-moths

2 min read

Garden wildlife watch

Olivia Watts from the Field Studies Council talks about some of the magnificent moths you can see now

Elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)

Hawk-moths are a group of insects that are commonly encountered in gardens across the UK. They have acquired their name from their impressive size and ability to manoeuvre well in flight. The adults have spectacular colours and the caterpillars have evolved impressive tactics to deter predators. With the warmer weather, May is a great time of year to see many of these moths in flight, including the lime hawk-moth, poplar hawk-moth and elephant hawk-moth.

Elephant hawk-moth

The elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor) is a medium-sized moth, adorned with pink and olive-green tones. Keep an eye out at dusk on milder nights between May and early August for a chance to spot this beautiful pink moth as it flits through the sky in search of nectar from tubular flowers like honeysuckle and fuchsia.

It is found throughout the UK in various habitats including gardens, parks, woodlands, and meadows, and is easily recognisable by its size as it has a wingspan up to 6cm (2.5in) and vibrant colours.

While alike in appearance, it’s worth taking note of a similar species, the small elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila porcellus). Although the two may look very similar, they are in fact different species. The small elephant hawk-moth has different patterns on its wings and, you probably guessed it, it’s smaller than the regular elephant hawk-moth.

If in doubt about identification, snapping a photo from above and comparing it to reference images and wildlife guides can provide clarity.

INSET: Small elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila porcellus)
Elephant hawk-moth caterpillar with its distinctive eyespots.


Like all moths, hawk-moths have a four-stage life cycle, starting as an egg, hatching into a caterpillar (where they spend lots of time eating and growing), before pupating and emerging as an adult moth.

If you haven’t seen the adult elephant hawk-moth before, you may have encountered it in an earlier life stage. Typically, sightings of the distinctive caterpillars peak in August and early September, when they’ve reached a substantial size of approximately

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