A warm welcome

1 min read


Money may be said to make the word go round, but some of the best things in life are still very much free. Take being kind unto others. Yes, it can be tricky at times, as lots of people we encounter are a little quicker to stronger emotions after the long, long winter and tricky few years we’ve had, but it really helps to reach out in simple but meaningful ways.

Opening a door for someone, giving them a smile, a compliment, passing on spare plants or produce to give away… Trust me, it will make you feel good in the process and if you don’t always get the response you were hoping for, at least you know you’ve tried.

Being kind to oneself is also important. I can be a little hypocritical with this, as I’m super ambitious for AG and there is always so much more I’d like to do, but I recently dug out an old wristwatch so I can cement my desire to spend time in the garden without the temptation to click on emails, or make a work call. Space for me, but also space for the creative ideas to flow.

The natural world also needs our kindness, our help, and the more we look and listen, the more likely we are to learn and benefit in the process. With some wildlife it’s very clear what they wantthe blue tits at home, for example, actively tap on the window when the bird feeder has run out, and follow me from room to room. I can hear their excitable chatter as the feeders are filled.

Less picture-book-pretty wildlife can still be fascinating and enjoyable to observe. In recent months, regular spider and ant watching in the polytunnel has become a gardening break activity of c

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