Your letters to kim

1 min read

Your lovely letters, emails and social media posts continue to flow in beautifully. Every message, poem, idea and comment matters. Please keep them coming. We will send out a thank you gift for every item published in the magazine so do please send your address and contact details when you get in touch.

The Facebook account for Amateur Gardening magazine is now up and running again and we have also started a new Instagram account @amateurgardeningofficial. We hope to see you there.

Hi Kim

Thank you for saving AG. I wanted to show you and all the readers my lupin. It’s called ‘Red Arrow’ and named after the RAF display team, I bought it eight or nine years ago as a small plant at Gardeners’ World Live.

At that time the Red Arrows were based at RAF Scampton, the home of the Dambusters squadron which is about two miles away from my home, it’s grown very well and gets bigger every year.

Janet’s Lupin

Thank you very much for a lovely magazine.

Kim says: that’s brilliant, what a lovely lupin.

My aunt Beryl was ‘all agog’ when she found this old copy of AG in the garden shed.

Kim says: thank you writing in and making us all chuckle. What a find for aunt Beryl!

The wonders of nature. This beautiful valerian is growing out of the concrete of my driveway, between it and the wall, without any input from me. Incredible!

Kim says: Isn’t nature clever. Thank you for sharing.

Dear sir,

Your issue 11th May covers news about Asian hornets. When l read what Mr Packham had to say about the subject, quote

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