Ask john negus

4 min read

How to get perfect peonies

John is a gardening legend and is here to answer your lovely questions

Peonies can be easy to grow from seed

Q I have had success growing various flowers from their seeds but have yet to succeed with peonies. Do you have any tips on the gardening wizardry required to harvest their seeds and grow more peonies?

A Peonies are not as difficult to grow from seed as one might think. Simply wait for seeds to mature and ripen to a dark blue to black hue, then sow them 2-3cm/1in deep in seed trays or in 12cm/5in pots of soil-based seed compost.

Cover the compost surface with grit to reduce growth of moss and weeds. Pleasingly, hardy varieties do not have to be protected from the weather. It is usual for a few seedlings to appear in the first year and more in the second and third years.

Interestingly, seeds germinate in one of two ways: epigeal, when cotyledons (seed leaves) appear above the soil before true leaves form, and hypogeal, when juvenile leaves appear first and cotyledons remain in the seed case.

Ideally, leave plants in their containers for two years to establish a good root system before moving them to where you wish them to flower. Protect them from slugs and snails.

Q How can I revive my fading jade plant?

A Its sad appearance is probably due to overwatering, which it hates.

Pleasingly, if its roots are still healthy, it can be revived by repotting it in an equal parts mix of loam-based John Innes potting compost No. 1 and coarse grit.

In future, only water it if the compost is dryish, which could be every fortnight or so.

Jade plants are also known as lucky or money trees, and their Latin name is Crassula ovata.

Jade plants hate overwatering

Unknown seedling

Q What plant do these leaves belong to that are hiding in my hydrangea? It is self-sown and has a sturdy stem.

A A common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is enjoying the protection of your hydrangea. Ash has a propensity for growing almost anywhere, but prefers chalky so

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