Bryan evans

4 min read

My favourite kit


A relative newcomer to photography, Bryan Evans reveals the route he took to shooting landscapes with his Sony Alpha A7R IVA

Bryan Evans has been a photographer for three years and lives in Aberdeen. To view more of his work, visit He can be followed on Instagram @with.bryan where he currently has 80k followers

AP: Tell us a little about your photography background

BE: In a rather clichéd attempt to ‘find myself’ I started spending more time travelling around Scotland and Europe in 2015. I enjoyed taking photos whilst seeing new places, but for several years, it was simply with my phone. But the frustration of Covid lockdowns brought about the realisation that I had taken so much for granted right on my doorstep, and that I really enjoyed the creativity of taking photographs. But the phone itself was limiting.

At the end of 2020 I bought a used Nikon D810 from MPB as I felt there was great value in the used market, especially for what was a new hobby. It took a while to get to grips with settings, but I found I had a natural eye for composition. From then on, it was really just self-taught through trial and error. I got into editing photos using Lightroom and found that in itself really enjoyable. But the best aspect that really got me hooked was that it was something I could do either by myself or with friends. It encouraged me to keep exploring and enjoying the outdoors, and then afterwards reading up about some of the locations, in particular the castles and their history.

AP: If we were to take a look in your camera bag, what would we find in it?

BE: For a start, a bottle of midge repellant for summers in the Scottish Highlands, along with the midge face net! But the headline items are my Sony Alpha A7R IVA, Sony FE 24-70mm F2.8 and 70-200mm F2.8 G Master lenses, again all bought second-hand (the first experience was so smooth it just made sense to go down the same route). I also have a DJI Mavic 2 drone that is ideal for capturing different perspectives and I love using it at coastal locations or where you can really show off the grand surroundings of a location from the air. Between all of that hardware, filters and my frequently used cleaning kit, it is just as well I can carry a 30-litre bag on my back on what are often long walks.

AP: If you could pick one item of kit you couldn’t live without, what would it be?

BE: I would have to choose my camera body. I could make do with either lens in most situations, my drone can be used in certain places and it has a different element of ‘fun’ to it, but I often don’t use it at many locations or situations. However, I would be absolutely lost without the body, my Sony Alpha A7R IVA. I couldn’t imagine life without it.

AP: Did you buy it from new?

BE: I have bought both cameras and all le

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