Angling times your fishing week

2 min read



MAY I take this opportunity to congratulate Lloyd Watson on the capture of his magnificent record fish from Chew Valley Lake. I am so pleased that the new British record has gone to a lifelong pike angler, and he justly deserves it.

I know the feeling of utter disbelief he must be going through, as I did over 30 years ago when I caught my UK record pike from Llandegfedd. I hope the new benchmark he has set lasts a long time.

Despite regularly looking at UK fishing news online from my home here in New Zealand I knew nothing about Lloyd’s momentous catch until a UK-based fishing friend of mine Nick Baumkotter contacted me to pass on the news.

Would you be kind enough to pass onto Lloyd my warmest congratulations please, as I am not on social media.

Roy’s record back in 1992.
Lloyd with his magnificent Chew pike.


(* indicates an anagram)


1 Also called finesse fishing, using light weight /soft lure (*hot prods) (4,4)

6 Semi-buoyant washed-out pop-up (6) 9Hard fruits of e.g. plums (6)

10 Tony ____, with 31ac. won our 'Team of the Year' 2023 (8)

11 Spread loved by barbel etc. (*peat) (4)

12 Ure tributary, flowing through Richmond (5)

13 Broadleaved trees – in Chelmsford (4)

15 Water at Shatterford Lakes for coarse and catfish (*all set) (6)

17 Welsh city location of Fendrod Lake fishery (7)

19 Leger set-up where a fish 'hooks itself' (4,3)

22 'The' fishing technique? (6)

24 See 26dn.

25 Salmon nests –sounds like colour shades (5)

27 These could be sand or glass! (4)

28 Glenn ___ , former manager of Drennan Barnsley Blacks (*lean crew) (8)

30 Knot used e.g. in Snowman rig (6)

31 ____ Izzard, won 2023 British Carp Champs with 10ac. (6)

32 Scottish salmon river, merges with Sou

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