How i make it work laura nitsche

1 min read

Austrian artist Laura Nitsche shares how her determination led to a successful art career

I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts as well as at the University for Applied Arts, both in Vienna. For years I worked in the art education sector and as an art guide at the Albertina and the Kunstforum museums, where I spent a lot of time around old and new masters and learnt a lot.

I have continually taught art to all age groups; I still do and love doing so. I was always engaged artistically but I really started painting when I was on a course with fellow Austrian artist Xenia Hausner. She opened the world of painting for me and ever since then, I have spent more and more time painting.

I started exhibiting my work about 12 years ago, which has led to numerous opportunities. I have been working with galleries for the last three years and my work has been shown at various museums.

My book Kaffeemilch Kaffee Kekse Topfen Marillen. Eine Hommage an die Einkaufsliste (Coffee milk coffee cookies curd cheese apricots. An hommage to the shopping list) was a major step in my career. I have been collecting shopping lists off the street and from trash cans for years, and then painting the items on the lists in an old masterly way. I was so immersed that I started researching and reading about still lifes, shopping lists and consumerism. Eventually, the idea for a book was born.

I am a natural hard worker and didn’t plan my future; things developed out of my determination and love for painting. The only thing I would change about my journey is I would have participated in more competitions. Now, it’s too late. After the age of 3