We present... john cooney

1 min read

An Irish artist who paints people in their real environments, doing everyday things

This month’s spotlight on a British Art Club member

Going home, Donegal, watercolour on board, cold pressed, 73x48cm

I can remember drawing a head in great detail at the age of only three. My parents made such a fuss and were so enthusiastic that I’ve never forgotten it. My father then encouraged me to paint, and it all really took off from there. Getting praise at an early age for something you love to do is a great motivator, but I wish there had been better advice in my formative years.

I trained as an illustrator at college but as a career, it didn’t suit my personality. Having only a paintbrush for company suits a certain kind of individual and it wasn’t always for me. So, I began to work in a studio in graphic design and advertising. I don’t think people need to go to art college to be an artist, but it’s the opportunity to have time to explore and be influenced by other artists.

I love painting portraits, but landscapes sell much more easily. I always carry a camera in case I see anything that interests me. Some of the latest phones take brilliant pictures but I still carry my SLR camera. I mostly travel to Donegal for inspiration; the people form the land, but the environment and weather form them. I especially love the northwest Atlantic areas; the wilder the better.

I still find time to experiment with different materials and subject matters. Variety really i