Grisha kim

1 min read

This artist reveals how his foundation in architecture paved the way for success in the world of art


AS IN ANY BUSINESS, sooner or later, there comes a time when you wonder if you are going in the right direction. Do you want to connect your future life with this? From early childhood, I was interested in architecture; I made a lot of models and developed various concepts. As an adult, when I went to university, my work was often shown as examples. I was so passionate that I devoted all my time and patience to architecture but eventually, burnt out. I soon realised that I was particularly drawn to the creative field.

I have not stopped loving architecture – I still study it and find inspiration in it – but the turning point for my art career was in my second year at university when I met a painting teacher; a person who was so passionate about their work that it was impossible not to be inspired.

So, motivated by my art classes at university, I decided to take a sketchbook on a trip to the mountains. I made a few sketches and thoroughly enjoyed the process. Without thinking that this would become a major part of my life, I created an Instagram account and kept it just as an album. Only a few of my friends knew about its existence, but the algorithms showed my art to people I didn’t even know and I received pleasant feedback. This increased my motivation even more, to share my drawings further.

In December 2021, I entered the NFT (digital art) market. It has helped me meet a lot of incredibly talented artists, including individuals whose work has been