We present...ewa schreiber

1 min read

This Parisian artist hopes to recreate the magic of the Scottish landscapes

This month’s spotlight on a British Art Club member

The Green Valley, oil, 70x50cm

GROWING UP, art wasn’t just a decorative element for Ewa Schreiber; it was a way of life. “I grew up in a family where art was very much part of everyday life, and I’ve painted for as long as I can remember.” Yet, the realisation that painting could be more than a daily occupation dawned on her after a transformative trip to Scotland. The windswept landscape compelled her to show its beauty to others.

Her journey led to the creation of the Ninfa Fluida Gallery, her online sanctuary for artistic expression. Painting since the tender age of three, Ewa’s love for the craft became a constant companion through life’s ups and downs. “It always helped me through difficult times,” she reflects.

Her upbringing, steeped in art, significantly influences her work. Exposed to traditional art from an early age, she drew inspiration from the Pre-Raphaelites, German Romantics and Baltic Symbolists. Despite her love for visual arts, she initially pursued literature, which enhanced her artistic practice. “It helps conceptualise the approach and to become more aware of what you are doing with your art,” she remarks.

Ewa’s focus on symbolist landscape painting is distinctive. For her, painting a landscape is about making the invisible visible and capturing the feeling of a place. The choice between detailed realism and abstract representation depends on the emotional resonance of the locat