The animal kingdom…

1 min read

Niki Browes Editor

…in all of its variety, be that with our pets at home or those out roaming in the wild, is a constant source of inspiration and fascination for artists. Which is why Hanna Asfour’s pet and wildlife portraits in pastels, featured in this month’s How I Paint slot, are a delight to behold. It’s impossible not to be captivated by their detail and warmth.

Elsewhere, we have a practical step-by-step by oil painter Annie Drew, who shows us how she painted a portrait of a jaguar. Both stories show how each stroke of the brush and every blend of colour, brings us closer to immortalising any animal’s spirit on canvas.

If you’re looking for something more architectural, this month’s The Big Interview artist David Sawyer – who won the prestigious Artists & Illustrators prize at the Chelsea Art Society’s annual exhibition – shares how he uses video loops of locations to paint street scenes in the cold months when, perhaps, only the hardiest amongst us will venture en plein air. Then, Matt Gibbons demonstrates how he takes his watercolour pad, paints and inks with him on his travels, in this case, to Istanbul. He says, “Many people might take a camera on their travels, but I’ve found no better way to capture memories than with a brush, pen and paper.”

In his penultimate masterclass, Adebanji Alade shows us how he painted his daughter’s portrait in pastels whilst we also have an insightful story on how to show and sell your own artwork by a seasoned art festival aficionado. The advice is practical and precise. What have you got to lose by showing up, making sales and meeting fellow, like-minded artists? Nothing. Go for it.



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