A supermarket in your garden

1 min read

Social-media sensation Joe Clark has made it his mission to demystify the world of growing your own food. We talk about his gardening inspiration


ABOVE After training as a lawyer, then working in retail, Joe soon realised being in the garden with nature was his true vocation INSET Garden peas are easy to grow and a taste sensation when picked fresh from the vine

You’ve said you owe a lot to your great-grandmother. How did she inspire you?

I was so fortunate to grow up next door to my great-grandmother Maisy. She introduced me to this amazing hobby, from as early an age as I can remember. She taught me in a very hands-on way, which made it so fun as a child. My grandparents are also keen gardeners, so from day one I was surrounded by their enthusiasm. That’s why I now want to help as many people as possible, who maybe didn’t have this early access to a greener lifestyle.

Why is it beneficial to grow our own food?

Growing your own food is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of gardening. There is something special about eating something you have grown. It is incredible to experience the true taste of certain crops (such as garden peas); they can taste wildly different to bought ones. It is also a great way to get more veggies and fruits into your diet. When you’ve grown a veg, it often becomes the star of the meal, which can be rare with store-bought produce.

What can we do in our gardens to h

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