Fruit and veg

1 min read

STEP BY STEP Plant garlic

SPLIT the bulb and check that all the cloves are firm and plump. Discard any with soft tissue that are showing signs of rot.

Make good use of cropping space in winter by planting garlic cloves now. It also takes advantage of the cold winter period, which helps to speed up bulb development, with bulbs maturing by early June. There are many varieties available, so it’s well worth experimenting by planting out several different types.

PREPARE a planting area that gets lots of sun and drains well. Firm the soil, then space each clove along the row, 15cm apart.
MAKE a hole and put the clove in, with the pointed tip about 2-3cm below ground. Plant closer to the surface on heavy soils.

LOOK OUT FOR whitefly on kale

Lift a few outer leaves on your kale plants to check the undersides for brassica whitefly: patches of white down and a cloud of tiny flies are sure signs. Wash off what you can with a spray of water, then cut off and compost the worst-affected leaves to remove large numbers. Be sure to wash harvested leaves thoroughly before you eat them.

Store horseradish

A layer of shredded paper helps to maintain consistent moisture levels

Dig horseradish roots up to store for the winter. Discard the really thin ones because they dry out too quickly, and don’t save the very large, woody roots either because they are too fibrous to use.

Brush the soil off

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