20 ways to zap your appetiite

5 min read

better body

Try these effective ways to dampen hunger and help you get to your weight-loss goal

1 Have a cup of tea

Tea contains polyphenols and catechins which can help regulate hunger hormones and increase fullness. Teas particularly rich in these compounds are green teas, especially matcha and sensa. Drink three to five cups a day for maximum benefits.

2 Sniff grapefruit oil

Sounds weird, but it’s a trick Jennifer Lopez apparently uses for up to 15 minutes a day to help reduce cravings and appetite. And, if it’s good enough for J-Lo, it’s good enough for us! Research shows this citrus scent can affect the gastric vagal nerve to help to lower appetite and food intake. The scent can also help balance mood, so may help limit emotional overeating too.

3 Get spicy

Chillies, and other spicy foods like hot sauce, can help suppress your appetite due to their heat. A study showed that eating chillies prior to a meal decreased the average calorie intake by 74 calories. Chilies also contain capsaicin, which research shows can help positively impact the metabolism.

4 Try apple cider vinegar

Studies show apple cider vinegar has an appetite-suppressing effect as it can slow the rate at which food exits your stomach. Try adding a drizzle to meals as a salad or vegetable dressing. Or you can take a supplement, like Bio-synergy Body Perfect Gummies, £24.99 for 60 gummies (bio-synergy.uk). See our competition section on p32 for your chance to win some.

5 Munch on almonds

A good source of protein, fibre and antioxidants, research shows eating a few almonds as a mid-morning snack can lower feelings of hunger and desire for high-fat foods. So, swap your elevenses craving of a doughnut or crisps for a small palmful of almonds instead.

6 Drink more water

Studies show that two glasses of water before a meal can help lessen food intake by 22 per cent. It’s also great way to reduce hunger between meals. This works for Liz Hurley, who is never without a bottle of water. She says, “Swig whenever you start to dream about toast and Marmite.” The Eatwell guide recommends 6-8 glasses of fluid daily – your pee should be a clear pale yellow.

7 Enjoy dark chocolate

The bitter taste signals your body to decrease your appetite, and the stearic acid it contains can help slow digestion so you feel fuller for longer. Enjoy 1-2 pieces with at least 70 per cent cocoa. If you find it too bitter, try it alongside a cup of tea or coffee to help bring out the sweetness. A great pick-me-up combo!

8 Sip on a coffee

Studies show a cup of coffee 30 minutes before a meal can cause an appetite reduction. This is because it triggers the release of the peptide YY hormones which can help us feel full. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated versions can work. Stick to 2-3 cups a d

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