
3 min read
For the week 9–15 April


21 April — 21 May

Remind yourself of where your priorities lie, so you can honour them whenever you get the chance. This will ensure you have some enjoyable interludes, regardless of what’s happening right now. Choose the company you keep with care on the 14th.

Theme of the week: Connections

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22 May — 21 June

Determination and motivation make you stand out from the crowd early this week. You’re prepared to put the effort in if it helps you get closer to your goals. However, try not to make heavy weather of it all. Make peace with a friend on the 15th.

Theme of the week: Grit

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22 June — 23 July

The underlying theme for you at the moment is to keep working hard at your long-term plans. But you’ll find that you’re more effective if you can have some light relief and a change of scene every now and then, ready to swing back into action on the 15th.

  Theme of the week: New ideas

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24 July — 23 August

Turn your attention to money matters, even if your heart sinks at the very thought of such things. Take any action needed, yet you must also adopt a positive attitude rather than imagining the worst. The 13th is perfect for activities that lift your spirits. 

Theme of the week: Optimism

A 0906 650 7234


24 August — 23 September

It’s the little day-to-day activities that influence you the most this week. On the 12th you’re self-assured and have the courage to get yourself noticed. It’s a different story on the 13th when it’s easy to feel browbeaten by others, so steer clear of anyone who’s a bully. 

Theme of the week: Give and take

A 0906 650 7235


24 September — 23 October

Right now you’re longing to break free in some way, whether that involves planning a holiday or reminding a certain person of your independence. Tread carefully on the 15th when you have to dovetail your own needs with those of you-know-who. 

Theme of the week: Diplomacy

A 0906 650 7236


24 October — 22 November

Early in the week you feel everything very powerfully, which triggers frustration if the object of your affections doesn’t reciprocate in the way you want. Give yourself a much-needed break on the 14th so you can fully unwind. Theme of the week: Care and share

A 0906 650 7237


21 March — 20 April

Some tasks feel like hard work at the start of the week. It doesn’t help that you may feel bogged down by circumstances beyond your control. Luckily you’re feeling much more constructive on the 12th, and you’re also ready to give someone a piece of your mind.


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