
2 min read
Victoria Beckham – 50 on 17 April


You gravitate towards friends in the first half of the week because you love their company. However, from midweek you need a little more time alone, especially on the 21st, so try to balance those sociable phases with interludes when you can be solitary.

Theme of the week: Magic

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You’re entering a period when there’s a huge emphasis on being with people who share your interests and who understand you. But avoid assuming that you know what someone thinks because that could lead to shocking experiences on the 20th and 21st.

Theme of the week: Independence

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If you’re a typical Leo you don’t like being left out of the limelight. Even if part of you is modest, there’s another part that needs to be applauded. Bear this in mind from the 19th when you’re ready to lap up other people’s appreciation, especially for a job well done.

Theme of the week: Self-esteem

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A close relationship is life-enhancing on the 19th because you’re both able to talk about your deepest emotions. This works wonders in trying to resolve differences. Keep a close eye on shared or official financial arrangements on the 22nd.

Theme of the week: Honesty

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Intense feelings are bubbling away beneath the surface this week. Unfortunately you won’t always be aware of what’s going on, and on the 21st you aren’t even completely tuned into the impact that your own emotional response is having on the people around you.

Theme of the week: Tone it down

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Although your main aim is to create a sense of harmony with the people around you, it doesn’t always work out that way. On the 20th a certain someone has a dramatic and surprising effect on you, especially if you’re meeting them for the first time.

Theme of the week: Stay calm

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You enjoy keeping busy and being productive, and on the 19th you’re able to get a lot done. Go carefully on the 21st when someone is determined to pursue an agenda that may not suit anyone else. Don’t become their plaything!

Theme of the week: Being of service

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Life hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for you over the past few years and you may still be going through some bumpy patches. Happily, you begin to feel more positive about your current circumstances from the 19th, and things will get even better on th

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