Sarah: ‘it’s been a difficult time for the entire family’

4 min read

celeb interview

The Duchess of York on her new novel, the King’s cancer battle and those persistent marriage rumours

She’s close to daughters Beatrice and Eugenie

Sarah Ferguson has had a bit of a resurgence since hitting her 60s, turning her passion for writing into a new career as a novelist. The Duchess of York, who was married to Prince Andrew and is mum to Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, released her best-seller Her Heart For A Compass in 2022 and is now following it up with her next book, A Woman Of Intrigue.

As well as writing, Fergie, 64, has also recently been trying her hand at TV presenting – even joining the This Morning team as host for a special one-off episode and also popping up on the Loose Women panel as anchor. And all while battling both breast and skin cancer.

With Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond on This Morning

The grandmother of three sat down with Bella to tell us more…

How did you come up with the idea for your new novel, A Woman Of Intrigue?

It started when I was asked to do the BBC programme Who Do You Think You Are? I didn’t end up going ahead with that, but it set me off on an incredible journey of discovery about my ancestors and the places they lived. I discovered this long line of red-headed, tough Celtic women whose DNA I shared. The heroine of this book was my greatgreat-aunt, Lady Mary Montagu Douglas Scott. As I researched her story, I became aware that while there was much to learn about the lives of the men in the family, she had left very little trace. I felt hers was a story that needed to be told.

You look after the Queen’s Corgis, Sandy and Muick. How are they?

It’s a great honour to be looking after them, though it feels like quite a responsibility as they are national treasures. They get on very well with my Norfolk terriers.

You spoke about how Muick grieved after the Queen passed away? Are they settled now?

Yes, they are very happy. The Queen used to snap a biscuit in her hand for them and I do the same to remind them of her.

Do you enjoy going on adventures with them?

Absolutely, I take them out whenever I can and they are always full of mischief.

Do you find it hard being in the spotlight in such a big way, or are you used to it now?

My life changed forever on 23 July 1986 when I married into the royal family. Of course, being in the public eye constantly brings challenges, but also great privileges. I hope I have used whatever platform I have to bring about some good, particularly in terms of my charity work.

She adopted the late Queen’s corgis

How do you navigate all the attention?

I used to be a massive people pleaser and I would take any criticism very much to heart, and go over and over it in my mind. As I have got older, I have realised that

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