Victoria’s ‘fury’ over new book

3 min read

The star is worried shock claims could rock her family’s reputation

They have appeared stronger and more loved up than ever in recent years, but a new book released last week, ahead of their 25th wedding anniversary, allegedly exposes the secret highs and lows of David and Victoria Beckham’s marriage.

In The House Of Beckham: Money, Sex And Power, Tom Bower claims to have “unearthed a succession of revelations shedding surprising insight into the reality of Brand Beckham”. Using research, interviews and sources, he questions if their lives are “as perfect as they would like the world to believe”. His book comes eight months after their Netflix documentary Beckham aired.

“When I started researching the Beckhams for the book, I was sure that an in-depth account of their lives would be a hugely entertaining and revealing read,

but even I was surprised to discover such a compelling, previously untold story,” the author said. “Those who want to know about Beckham’s sex life won’t be disappointed.”

Sources reveal that the book’s release, which comes days before their milestone anniversary on 4 July, has left Victoria, 50, worried that it will ruin everything that the couple have worked so hard for.

“Victoria is livid about the upcoming book, because what was supposed to be a landmark date for them is instead going to be reliving the hell that almost broke her. Instead of being able to celebrate their marriage and the ups and downs of their journey – the love and life that they have built together, it’s all coming under attack,” an insider says.

Among the controversial claims that the unauthorised biography addresses is David’s alleged affair with his former personal assistant Rebecca Loos. The Beckhams’ marriage was rocked in 2004 by her allegation that she had a four-month secret “steamy” affair with the footballer, shortly after he joined Real Madrid football team at the height of his professional career.

Tom claimed that the former Spice Girl, who had relocated to Spain too in support, along with their sons Brooklyn and Romeo, was “lonely and unhappy”.

“Although she had everything money could buy, she was isolated,” he wrote.

David – who has denied the adultery claims – and Victoria addressed the allegations in their documentary. “There were some horrible stories that were difficult to deal with. It was the first time that me and Victoria had been put under that kind of pressure in our marriage,” he said. Vic added, “One hundred per cent. It was the hardest period for us. Because it felt like the world was against us. Up until Madrid sometimes it felt like us against everybody else. But we were together. We were connected. We had each other. But when we were in Spain, it didn’t really feel tha

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