‘dermot’s the longest boyfriend i’ve had!’

4 min read

Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary are back for more Friday fun on ITV’s This Morning. Here, they open up about their special bond and more…

Q uickly becoming our Friday favourites on This Morning, bubbly Brummie presenter Alison Hammond, 47, and former X Factor host Dermot O’Leary, 49, are back every Friday on the popular ITV morning show. Here, the pair – who often giggle their way through most interviews – talk about missing each other when they’re not on that famous sofa together, and how they still get ‘butterflies’ before a show…

Hello, you two. You hosted two weeks of the Summer together, how was that? Dermot: It was great fun. Alison is a mate now – Iwouldn’t have to see her for weeks and I know we’d just pick up where we left off.

Alison: Those are the best relationships, where you don’t need to see each other and you know everything ’s going to be just fine. D: We have so much fun that doing the show every day for those two weeks was a blast!

A: It’s having that extra time to get your teeth into the show as well – you get to see all the producers and crew who work on it. We just really enjoy it.

What do you miss most about the show and your co-host when you’re apart from each other?

A: The familiarity. He’s the longest boyfriend I’ve had in my life, haha!

Teamwork: The This Morning crew

D: Yeah, you do miss the camaraderie, especially in the make-up room at the start of the day – that trust and knowing that we take the p*ss out of each other, but we love each other. I just love coming to work and doing live telly, and now we’ve got to know each other more intimately.

A: Not too intimately, babes!

What have been your top moments on the show so far this year?

A: Well, I really enjoyed doing the show on my own that time!

D: She says that, but I know she didn’t enjoy it at the time, she texted me saying, ‘Miss you bubba’.

A: Seriously though, one of my favourite bits is towards the end of the show and we get to eat together! A standout guest for me was the lovely schoolboy Korben, who wore a dress to his prom. That was a moment for me – Ithink it’s so lovely to embrace who you are. I thought that was wonderful. His mum was amazing, too.

D: Actor Matthew Goode was a great guest, but the beauty of this show is you have everything from the sublime to sometimes the ridiculous! Celebrities are great, but often the human interest stories give you amazing windows into the world. It’s a big responsibility to help tell someone’s story but we really enjoy doing it.

The pair have developed a good rapport
Alison and Dermot also loved Korben
Matthew Goode was a hit

Was it lovely to finally hug each other and socialise again

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