Hrh: hurt royal highnesses!

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best for ROYALS

Following Kate’s recent mishap, we look back at some remarkable Royal injuries…

Broken ribs, legs, ankles and toes. An eye-patch and frostbite in a very private place? Yes, the Royal Family have often surprised us with tales from some heir-raising mishaps. Kate, Princess of Wales was the latest recruit of the right Royal list of walking wounded with her recent return from a Summer break showing off a newly bandaged hand. From Kate’s bouncy bump to King Charles and his garden disasters, we look at the Royals who fell down and broke their crown or anything else besides...

ROYAL: King Charles III


INJURY: Damaged eye, finger and cut nose Those green fingers of his have been through the wars over the years. In 1986, he was spotted wearing a sling. ‘It was a damn great hammer,’ Charles explained at the time. ‘I missed the stake, but my finger came down on it.’ Then, In 2001, he attended public engagements with what looked like a DIY eye patch, due to an injury he suffered while sawing a tree in his garden at Highgrove. Three years later, he was explaining away another facial injury, a cut nose, as an ‘argument with a hedge’.

ROYAL: Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh

INJURY: Broken and bruised ribs Sophie Wessex’s love of skiing has caused her many injuries over the years. The 58-year-old Royal has suffered several pulled muscles due to her active holidays, but it hasn’t deterred the sporty mother-of-two from seeking out adventure. Her most dramatic injury came in 2011, when she suffered a horse-riding injury at Windsor Great Park just before Kate and William’s wedding day. Sophie was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital in Windsor for an X-ray, which revealed that she had broken a rib and bruised several others. Sophie still attended Kate and Wills’ pre-wedding dinner, and the couple’s big day itself, where she watched her daughter, Lady Louise, carry out her duties as bridesmaid.

ROYAL: Catherine, Princess of Wales

INJURY: Strained fingers Returning to Royal duties recently after a Summer break, it wasn’t just Kate’s Alexander McQueen power suit that grabbed attention but the two bandaged fingers on her right hand. ‘My own fault. I was jumping around on the trampoline,’ Kate said during her visit to High Down Prison in Surrey... Oh, dear. But it didn’t stop the Royal getting in on a game of wheelchair rugby in Hull recently – with two fingers still strapped up from her run-in with the trampoline!

ROYAL: Princess Anne

INJURY: Sprained wrist Outdoorsy Princess Anne has had her fair share of mishaps doing the Royal-approved hobby par excellence, horse riding. In 1976, at the Montreal Olympics, the horse she was riding fell, bringing her down. Anne quickly remounted, but remembered little of the rest of the course,

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