Kate’s four years of hell

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As we enter 2024, we send Kate Garraway our love…

Memories makes us all smile...
Kate and Derek tied the knot in 2005
Kate was awarded an MBE in 2023

As she heads into 2024, you could not blame Kate Garraway for feeling utterly overwhelmed by her situation.

It’s almost four years since the day in March 2020 when her husband – former political advisor-turned-psychotherapist, Derek Draper – was rushed to hospital.

Derek, 56, was diagnosed with Covid-19 but for reasons doctors still do not fully understand, the virus ravaged his body – causing terrible damage to his organs.

The dad-of-two spent over a year in hospital, but his longed-for homecoming was overshadowed by the realisation that he would need round-the-clock care.

Since then, Kate and Derek have both nagivated dramatic highs and lows but this December, as Kate prepared for Christmas, GMB presenters Charlotte Hawkins and Richard Madeley made an announcement. Derek was back in hospital, having undergone a ‘massive’ heart attack. They sent the family their ‘love’, a sentiment echoed by us all.

For Kate, 56, it must have come as both a shock and another shattering blow as their children Darcey, 17, and Billy, 14, had been looking forward to Christmas at home with mum and dad.

For almost four years, Kate has been the family’s sole breadwinner and take on the responsibilty of caring for her husband which, at times, she has found overwhelming. ‘The reality of having him home was so wonderful...but also tough... physically and emitionally dr

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