Step into the wonderful world of all creatures great and small

1 min read

Visit locations you’ll recognise, explore James Herriot’s Yorkshire and meet one of his clients

James Herriot captured the beauty of rural Yorkshire in his books, bringing the fictional town of Darrowby to life with his tales of life as the main character, a country vet.

His writing has transported many readers to the rugged beauty of Yorkshire. On this enchanting three-day break, you can explore the Yorkshire described in Herriot’s books, and visit the locations you’ll recognise from the TV series All Creatures Great And Small.

You’ll start with a trip to the World Of James Herriot in Thirsk, the inspiration for the fictional Darrowby.

You’ll then drive through the Moors to Askrigg, one of the main filming locations used in the original BBC All Creatures Great And Small TV series (19781990), with Christopher Timothy as James Herriot.

Other highlights include a trip to Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Garden, Middleham Castle, the enchanting village of East Witton and picturesque Grassington, which serves as Darrowby in the current C5 series.

Reasons to book


See the world’s largest collection of James Herriot memorabilia, housed in the writer’s former home and veterinary surgery. Step on to the TV set with insider knowledge about the many real-life All Creatures Great And Small incidents from one of James’ clients and friends.


Take a trip to the locations for both the current C5 series of All Creatures Great And Small and the original version. Visit Thirsk and Grassingto

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