Kids? nah – a garden will do!

1 min read



'I never had kids because I didn’t want 18 plus years of worry and expense ‘Inever – with the added responsibility of protecting and nurturing them. I never wanted a garden for the exact same reasons. But now I have one – a garden that is – I completely understand what those people in parentsville mean when they say despite the hard work and endless unconditional devotion, cost and maintenance, they’re worth it because of the joy they bring.

The difference is your children, especially when they get into their teens, probably don’t bring joy every day, whereas my garden does. Even in the winter when it’s a mess with no leaves or flowers, there’s always something to smile at.

Also as with kids, it causes pain. Back pain, knee pain and emotional pain. I’m talking about the constant war, especially at this time of year, with all the bugs that are busy murdering the plants in front of your eyes. Everywhere you look, indestructible invaders and incurable diseases. It’s seriously upsetting to see the beloved bougainvillea that you nurtured and protected slowly wither and die because it’s had the life sucked out of it by sticky little black, green or white horrors.

And don’t even get me started on the ants whose armies march around like they own the place! Or the relentless weeds that seem resistant to even the strongest poison and laugh out loud when you come at them with the friendly organic con

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