Your best stars

5 min read

with Teresa Dellbridge

For the week 28 May – 3 June



The Sun is in your sign now, closely followed by Jolly Jupiter, bringing you news of opportunities and generally a happy outlook. Jupiter will be with you for the next 12 months, so now is the perfect time for ambitious plans and everything that requires positive thinking. Get your old dreams out of storage and shake the dust off of them. Old ways of thinking are holding you back, and you may need the advice of a counsellor or friend to help you see things clearly. At that point, take action. There are no prizes for couch potatoes. Lounging around wallowing in the good vibes could leave you high and dry – you’ve been warned!


The solar position asks you to review – and if needed reject – those elements of your life formed by past conditioning, especially those that make you feel guilty and obligated. Pay off whatever karma that you can by settling debts and making apologies – but only where you truly feel that’s necessary. The good things you do might not seem to bring much material reward, but you’ll get a sense of satisfaction. In three weeks’ time, the Sun will enter your sign and the story will change radically. Build your self-esteem by random acts of kindness and peaceful interludes of self-nurture. Soon you’ll be ready to shine.


This is no time to go it alone, so don’t let your pride hold you back from sharing your dreams and visions with friends, for they can be very helpful. There is so much kindness coming your way, but more than that – a new vision of your future can come into play, one where you have more freedom and more self-expression. You feel a real desire to improve the world, and companions will be supportive of this. By following the path that feels right for you, you will naturally attract new comrades. There's no need to commit to just one or two. For the time being, many hands make light work – no matter what your plan.



No one could say you’re not a good friend when you want to be – and right now you do want to be. It feels important to put your very best into all your relationships, whether with friends, colleagues or your significant other. If you’ve been thinking of calling on a professional – from a plumber to a lawyer – this should go well and you will get an efficient service. You could also meet someone who expands your life wonderfully. It’s important, however, not to expect too much of anyone, and by the same token do not be too generous with your material resources or your time. With some common sense, you’ll flourish.


Your work is now very fulfilling, and lots of things that normally seem a chore can not only go smoothly, but give you a sense of enrichment. By the Law of Attraction your positive

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