‘bond? they always pick the right one…’

3 min read

best sat down with Hollywood star, Jane Seymour, to talk about her latest series, her fascination with crime, and of course…

Bond Girl, doctor, and now detective on the silver screen, Jane Seymour, 73, is showing no signs of slowing down – and why should she? Also a mother-of-six, the Somewhere In Time star, who fell ‘madly in love’ with co-star Christopher Reeve on the set of the time-travelling romance in 1980, told us she’s got a very busy year ahead, but is most excited about season three of Harry Wild – a modern murder mystery series where she plays self-made investigator, Harry.

Here, the age-defying star, who has been married and divorced four times, tells us why the story lines are better than ever, and that, despite now living in sunny California, she will always find any excuse to come home…

Jane was an original Bond girl

Hello, Jane! Harry Wild season three is out now. Can you tell us about it?

<span xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="color: rgb(0,0,0)" class="">I’m so excited. Season one did remarkably well, season two was bigger and better – and season three, I think has even greater stories. We know more about what’s going on in the lives of Fergus (my young </span> side-kick played by Rohan Nedd) and Harry. Fergus’s mum has suddenly turned up and we don’t know whether to trust her or not! That’s what really grounds this series, of course there’s always a crime investigation to solve, but you care about the what’s happening in the lives of the main characters, too. Harry’s son has also been promoted now, but he still can’t solve a crime – and he still needs his mother, which he detests.

With co-star Rohan Nedd in Harry Wild

People are calling it ‘cosy murder’ – why do you think people love to watch shows like this?

Yes, or ‘soft crime’ there’s clearly nothing ‘soft’ about a dead person – but it’s an easy watch. What I love about this show, and character, is I’ve never seen a woman of my age portrayed like this. Independent, changing careers at 70, becoming a detective, using a knowledge of literature and history, and an ability to disguise herself in plain sight to do whatever it takes to get the information. She definitely drinks too much red wine – and she’s never been married. She’ll think, ‘If I fancy that guy over there, that’s who I’ll be with’ and I love that mentality.

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