See some epic racing

3 min read

Here comes the sun

Best circuit? Best corner? Best grub? Paul Clarkson reveals all for a great day out

Why should I go to watch racing?

» For me, the perfect summer’s day is a comfy chair, some nice food, a lovely glass of rioja, some good mates and cracking, safe racing.

Honestly, what could be better? There are loads of great tracks in the UK, and plenty more on the continent within easy riding distance of Calais. This year I’m away watching racing three weekends a month from March through to the final British Superbike race in October.

OK, sold. So, where should I watch BSB?

» My number one is Cadwell Park. It’s a beautiful circuit and the racing is usually fantastic. Make sure you watch at the Gooseneck and the start/finish straight opposite the Mountain for the atmosphere and jump. For food, go to the cafeteria – it’s great. BSB is there on August 24-26, and there are plenty of club and classic races.

My second recommendation is Donington Park. I hated the place 10 years ago [it was decidedly run-down – Ed] but with all the changes, it’s brilliant. I’d recommend watching from Hollywood because the screen is good and you can see a lot of the track [especially from Redgate and down the Craner Curves]. We [Paul goes to BSB with several mates] eat at the new bar/restaurant Garage 39 – that’s good. BSB is there on May 17-19 and Sept 27-29.

Thirdly, I’d say Thruxton. For practice and qualifying watch from outside the control tower, where you can see the BSB guys come out of the chicane, smoking their tyres as they go up the main straight. Then on race day watch from Seagrave because you can see them all through the back of the circuit, and it’s fast and the racing is always close. Plus, there’s a good screen. Food-wise, Thruxton really upped their game last year with the new clubhouse and restaurants. Also, there’s a cracking little café under the control tower at the airport that all the locals use. BSB is there on August 9-11.

Any other top tips?

» The main thing to have is a top ‐quality DAB radio with earphones so you can follow the commentary. Alternatively, you can have headphones linked to your phone, with the app for the meeting – then you get the commentary plus the lap times on your phone.

Paul (right) with Storm Stacey. Top hat and top bloke as well

What BSB riders should I support?

» I really like Storm Stacey – he’s a lovely young man who’s overcome a lot [his father committed suicide in 2016]. At Cadwell he was riding past on his scooter and we’d had a few drinks and were singing ‘There’s only one Storm Stacey’, and he came over and said hello. He was wearing a top hat, because that’s what his dad used to wear, and some people took the piss, but we knew the story and stood up for him – we all went out and bought top hats to wear in s