Tewinbury hmwt

1 min read


Warblers and wetland birds galore at this urban site


Tewinbury is a small but diverse nature reserve in the Mimram valley close to the Tewinbury Hotel between Welwyn Garden City and Tewin, just off the B1000. There is a two storey hide that overlooks a lagoon surrounded by wet meadow, fen and swamp. It is well worth exploring beyond the bird hide to walk along the nearby River Mimram and valley for potential sightings of Kingfisher and roosts of Pied Wagtails. Thanks to ongoing management of the reserve, Cetti’s Warbler breed here. Common sightings include Jack Snipe in winter, Little Egret, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, and

Green Sandpiper. The reserve is very attractive to migrating warblers particularly due to the quiet and undisturbed willow pollards, scrub, and alder carr adjacent to the reedbeds.


1At the bird hide itself, look out over the clear water lagoon for warblers such as Cetti’s, Reed, and Grasshopper. Other birds that can be seen from the viewing windows include Reed Bunting, Pied Wagtail, Snipe, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe and Yellowhammer.

2If you walk towards the hotel, there is a little side gate giving access to the River Mimram, or alternatively take one of the footpaths in either direction along the valley. These paths lead to viewpoints over the river and here you may find Kingfisher, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Water Rail, Swallow, House Martin, and occasional Garganey.

3The patches of woodland close to the site, p

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