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Ring-necked Duck, Pitlochry, Perthshire 12 Highlights December In association with

The Myrtle Warbler at Kilwinning, Ayrshire, was last seen on 17th. A remarkable two Gull-billed Terns were seen together at Orosay, South Uist (Outer Hebrides) on 24th. The drake Bufflehead stayed at Loch Leven NNR, Perth and Kinross until 7th.


TIREE: Balephuil had a Black Redstart (27th) and Marsh Harrier (9th). A Little Auk was at Caoles (12th). Little Egrets were at Loch a’ Phuill (4th-6th) and Loch Riaghain (2nd-22nd). Six White-tailed Eagles were noted, with a Golden Eagle at Balephuil (1st and 26th). Scarcities included a Black-throated Diver off Happy Valley, a Rook and Whinchat at Balemartine, 11 Woodpigeons, and a Lesser Redpoll, four Mealy Redpolls and a Siskin at Balephuil.

There was a scattering of Goldcrests, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Goldfinches, Greenfinches and White Wagtails, plus the odd passage Chaffinch, Dunnock and Robin. There was moderate Redwing passage with 12 remaining (to 26th). Waders included 5,750 Golden Plovers, 1,200 Black-tailed Godwits, 50 Whimbrels, two Ruff and 40 Redshanks. Corn Crakes returned (from 20th). The Barnacle Geese and Greenland Whitefronts departed en masse (1st-2nd). There were 15 Pinkfeet, 13 Canada Geese and 107 pale-bellied Brents. Small groups of Whooper Swans dropped in, with four remaining at the month’s end. First dates included Blackcap (1st), White Wagtail (2nd), Sand Martin (3rd), Swallow (6th), Willow Warbler (7th), Arctic Tern (8th), Great Skua (8th), Whimbrel (11th), Little Tern (15th), Cuckoo (21st), Grasshopper Warbler (21st), House Martin (24th), Common Sandpiper (24th) and Sedge Warbler (29th). John Bowler (


HIGHLIGHTS: Skinflats Pools had a dark-bellied Brent Goose (8th) and Ring-necked Duck (23rd). A Spoonbill was at Tullibody Inch and Blackdevon Wetlands (8th). Two Hawfinches were flew over the Bannockburn VC (10th). A White-tailed Eagle was at Crianlarich (19th).

First dates included Willow Warbler (1st), Bearded Tit and House Martin (8th), Grasshopper Warbler (10th), Sedge Warbler (11th), Common Sandpiper and House Martin (13th), Common Tern (14th), Tree Pipit and Cuckoo (16th), Little Ringed Plover and Redstart (19th), Whitethroat and Ring Ouzel (20th), Swift and Wood Warbler (24th), and Reed Warbler plus Lesser Whitethroat (28th).

CLACKMANNANSHIRE: Blackdevon Wetlands had a Little Egret, two Shovelers and a Greenshank (1st), a Short-eared Owl (4th), two Little Egrets, a Shoveler, two Marsh Harriers and two Ravens (19th), two Short-eared Owls and seven Grasshopper Warblers (22nd), a Little Ringed Plover (25th) and three Kittiwakes (27th).

FALKIRK DISTRICT: There were 13 Scaup at Kinneil (1st). A Short-eared Owl was at Powfoulis (12th). A Goshawk flew over Bo’ness (20th). Skinflats Pools had a Little Egret, five Swallows and two Willow Warblers

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