North east

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Slavonian Grebe, Barton Pits, Lincolnshire, April

In association with Highlights

Top billing must go to the Dark-eyed Junco at Hartlepool, Cleveland. Also in the region were Pallid Swift, Savi’s Warbler, Bonaparte’s Gull, Lesser Yellowlegs and Red-breasted Goose. The latter three were all available at Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincs, as well as a Black-winged Stilt.


HIGHLIGHTS: Frampton Marsh had a Bonaparte’s Gull (11th-16th), Red-breasted Goose (from 12th), Black-winged Stilt (from 8th) and the Lesser Yellowlegs throughout. Green-winged Teal were at Saltfleetby (3rd and 6th), and Freiston Shore (4th-11th). Another at Anderby Creek may have been one of these birds (22nd-24th). Anderby Creek also had a Stone-curlew (24th) and Woodchat Shrike (from 25th). Serins flew over Gibraltar Point (7th & 25th). A Dotterel was at Grimsby (26th). A Wryneck was at Saltfleetby (30th).

GIBRALTAR POINT: Highlights included a Great Northern Diver (4th), two Firecrests (5th), a Swift (6th), Wood Larks (7th & 11th), Ring Ouzels (7th and 13th), two Crossbills (7th), a Glossy Ibis (8th-12th & 14th), Twite (8th), Shore Lark (8th), seven Water Pipits (8th), Caspian Gulls (9th & 22nd), a Black Tern (12th), Ospreys (14th & 22nd), a Tree Pipit (14th), Great Skua (16th), two Cattle Egrets (16th), a Hawfinch (19th), Velvet Scoter (23rd), Fulmar (25th), three Whinchats (28th), Black Redstarts (28th & 30th), a Spotted Flycatcher (28th), Little Gull (29th) and Garganey (29th).

Red-breasted Goose, Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire, April

OTHER SITES: The Glossy Ibis remained at Deeping Lakes, with another at Anderby Creek (13th). A Hawfinch was in a

Black Tern, Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire, April

Normanby garden (1st). Eight Little Gulls were at Covenham Reservoir (1st). Three Garganeys were at Manby (3rd-6th). Two at Cowbit (19th-21st), with a Purple Sandpiper there (29th). Wood Larks flew over Trent Port (8th) and Freiston Shore (25th). A Slavonian Grebe was at Far Ings (10th-11th). A Kittiwake was at Boultham Mere (12th). Anderby Marsh had Wood Sandpiper (25th) and Caspian Gull (27th). Two Cranes flew over Alkborough Flats (30th).

Josh Hedley


HIGHLIGHTS: A Shore Lark remained around Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (1st-11th), and a small number of Twite were present, plus Short-eared Owl (6th). A Smew was at Grindon Lough (2nd-12th). A Purple Heron was at Woodhorn Flashes (22nd). A White-billed Diver flew north at St Mary’s Island (24th). Druridge Pools had a Spoonbill (1st-29th), with a Long-tailed Duck (2nd-6th), Little Gull, 80 Twite (15th), and up to two Garganey (16th-26th). A Long-tailed Duck was at Seahouses (3rd-11th), with three at Howick (8th), and three at Monks House (8th-29th). A Russian White-fronted Goose was at Cresswell Pond NWT (4th), with Iceland Gull (11th), and Hoo

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