North west

4 min read

In association with Highlights

Frustrating bird news (for some) in the region came with a female Little Bittern photographed at a private area of Woolston Eyes NR, Cheshire, part of a bit of a national influx. There was also a smattering of Lesser Scaups.


HIGHLIGHTS: A White Stork flew over Congleton (6th), with three over Burton Mere Wetlands (30th). Four Cranes flew over Burton Mere Wetlands, Heswall, Upton, Barnston, Moreton and Wallasey (19th). Two were at Frodsham Marsh (23rd).

WOOLSTON EYES: No1 bed sightings included a Lesser Scaup, four Gannets and a Hobby. No3 bed ringing team had Brambling, Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Lesser Redpoll, Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler and Treecreeper. Records included a Great White Egret, two Garganeys, two Marsh Harriers, two Ferruginous Ducks, a House Martin, four Curlews, two Reed Warblers, two Black-tailed Godwits, a Willow Tit, Greenshank, seven Black-necked Grebes, 10,000 Sand Martins roosting, a Tawny Owl and two Mediterranean Gulls.

No4 bed records included a Wheatear, 19 Black-necked Grebes, two Kingfishers, a Marsh Harrier, two Barnacle Geese, two Little Egrets, a Ruddy Duck, two Mediterranean Gulls, a Little Ringed Plover, Curlew, two Pintails, 20 Swallows, 250 Sand Martins, a Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail, four White Wagtails, four Grasshopper Warblers, five Dunlin, five Arctic Terns, a Little Gull, Swift, two Sedge Warblers, three Little Egrets, 27 Black-tailed Godwits, three Redshanks, a Whimbrel, Hobby, 17 House Martins, a Common Tern, Garden Warbler and Greenshank.

The Wildfowl Count (6th) included 57 Greylags, 49 Mute Swans, three Mandarins, 12 Shelducks, 24 Shovelers, 306 Tufted Ducks, 18 Oystercatchers, eight Water Rails, two Ringed Plovers, a Green Sandpiper, 213 Black-headed Gulls, 235 Gadwall, four Garganeys, 30 Teal, 125 Pochards and 86 Mallards. A Slavonian Grebe and Little Bittern were in an inaccessible area of the reserve.

Dave Steel


HIGHLIGHTS: Hodbarrow had one or two Lesser Scaup (1st-17th), two Scaup (9th), and a Little Gull (17th). A Richard’s Pipit was at Ulverston (2nd). White Storks were at Temple Sowerby (12th), Sunbiggin Tarn (23rd) and Ulverston (two on 28th). A Ring-necked Duck was at Longtown (17th-25th). A Crane flew over Foulshaw Moss (19th), with three over Milnthorpe (24th).


HIGHLIGHTS: A Lesser Scaup was at Dunham Massey CP (8th). A White Stork flew over Leigh (24th). Elton Reservoir had two Cranes (1st), an Osprey (14th) and Blue-headed Wagtail (16th). An Osprey flew over Pennington Flash (1st).

ELTON RESERVOIR: There were 43 Whooper Swans (22nd), a Little Gull (2nd), Sandwich Terns (8th, 14th and four on 21st), Arctic Terns, two Redstarts and a Little Owl

MERSEY VALLEY: There was a Cattle Egret near Altrincham ETW (17th). A Ring Ouzel was on Carrington Moss (18th-21st). A Reds

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