Blocks Magazine
19 September 2019

IF THERE'S ONE modern criticism of the LEGO Group that really rankles with fans, it’s that sets these days don’t inspire the same creativity that they used to. You only need to flick through this or any issue to realise that claim is completely unfounded: from the constant stream of groundbreaking official sets to the amazing models fans are forever dreaming up, the LEGO community has creativity coursing through its veins. Take 21319 Central Perk, for instance, which will teach you a thing or two about building nonstandard bases on page 50. Or the latest batch of Wizarding World sets, reviewed from page 40, which have inspired our master photographer Phil to come up with some awesomely atmospheric images – both on the cover and throughout this issue. And then there’s LEGO MASTERS alum Jessica Farrell’s deep dive into Slavic folklore on page 97, John Cramp’s quintessentially British modular building on page 100, and as always, a learning moment from Simon’s incredibly informative technique guide on page 86. If it’s creativity you’re after, you're in the right place. Dive in, and be sure to show us what you've been inspired to build.

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