British Archaeology Magazine
4 December 2019

In this edition we unearth Troy, the subject of the British Museum’s winter blockbuster exhibition, and tell the story of the search for the mythical city’s remains and the quest to prove Homer right. Ten archaeologists and historians respond to the accusation that the term “Anglo-Saxon” is racist and should be dropped. And we visit an excavation in Suffolk where archaeologists are finding exceptional evidence for the lives of early humans 400,000 years ago, including fire use – one of the three oldest sites in Europe with such signs. With a typical wide range of topics, we also learn about a successful experiment in finding ancient sites on Arran with artificial intelligence, we interview a retiring archaeologist who recently found an essay saying he wanted to be an archaeologist – written when he was eight – and, among much else, we report the 2019 Marsh Archaeology Awards winners.

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