Life beyond bricks

2 min read

Tash reveals her top tips for getting along with your partner in a campervan

The Howgills from the west

HII know I usually talk about my solo adventures and travel tips, but this month I want to talk about travelling with a partner. I’ve had the question come up a few times this year at the Warners motorhome and campervan shows and I thought it would be great to discuss here.

I’ve been asked in my talks, ‘How do you deal with travelling and living in a small space with your partner?’ My honest answer is that it requires both balance and compromise.


That’s not because we can’t stand to be around each other for too long… we used to work together! But, in my opinion, no matter how well you get on, everyone needs their space. And I don’t just mean physical space, I mean headspace as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the time I spend with my husband. Being able to spend more time together was one of the deciding factors for us to sell up and go full-time travelling.

But that doesn’t change the fact that we’ve always enjoyed our own time. We both agree alone time is important, more so when you are living in a small space – and that’s not just full-timing, it includes longer trips, too.

Lockdown in a ’van was a crash course in managing in a small space! But we had already been full-time travelling for a year by then, so it didn't come as a complete shock.

So how do we live and long-term travel in this space? Firstly, we have days out on our own. We will go out and do something solo, even if it’s just popping to the shops, going for a walk or grabbing a coffee.

This fits nicely into travelling as well, when there is something one of you wants to do or see, but the other might not. That way you don’t miss out on something that interests you! It’s also lovely to then come back together and chat about it.

Plus, it’s great for the other person, who gets to chill back in the ’van while you’re out. A chance to decompress and do something just for you, like reading or colouring (that’s my fave!). Or, in Jon’s case, cuddling with th

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