In sickness and health

5 min read

Scary True-life

After my hubby received a devastating diagnosis, we decided to make the most of our time together...

Gilly and I have always known of each other
Photos: SWNS

Christine Gill, 56, from Bradford

Swirling on the dance floor, I was on cloud nine.

As I danced with my new hubby to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, it was a moment I didn’t think we’d make.

We’d been together 17 years, but the past year had been the most challenging of all.

Despite crossing paths when we were younger, it wasn’t until 2007 that we really got talking.

Paul – or Gilly as I called him – was kind, caring and funny.

We’d both been married previously and had adult children of our own, but I’d found my match in Gilly, now 66.

Going on dinner dates, snuggling up in front of a movie and jetting off on holiday – we always had a great time together.

And it meant the world that our children approved. ‘When are you two getting hitched?’ our friends always asked. But marriage didn’t feel urgent. Only on holiday to Gran Canaria in 2021, Gilly popped the question.

Slipping on my sparkly engagement ring, I couldn’t wait to see what was ahead for us.

Only in December 2022, there was a change in Gilly.

An ex-rugby player, he’d always been fit and healthy.

Only, we noticed that he seemed quite weak.

He struggled putting away the Christmas decorations and even playing bowls – which was one of his favourite pastimes.

He couldn’t get his left hand above his head.

It was strange and worrying. We had no idea why there was this sudden change.

We’ve got a second chance at life

Gilly was also losing weight, sleeping more than normal and was clumsier, tripping over things.

Gilly had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2017 and was on statins to manage his cholesterol.

But other than that, he’d always been in good health.

Only these symptoms were unusual, and we decided to book an appointment with the GP – it was better to be safe than sorry.

And after our appointment, the GP referred Gilly to St Luke’s Hospital, Bradford, for further tests.

It was obviously a stressful time, but with a holiday to Lanzarote in February last year, we decided to jet off and enjoy ourselves.

Only Gilly was too weak to help with the suitcases.

And walking along the promenade at Playa Blanca, Gilly struggled to walk more than 300 yards before needing to stop.

He was exhausted and I had to help him up from the sun lounger every day.

‘I just don’t understand it,’ he said, frustrated.

And getting back from our holiday, Gilly’s symptoms were getting worse.

He kept having falls at home and I’d have to rush back from wor

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