Ask aunty nelly

2 min read

Our Antonella tells it how it is


We’re rowing about money

Q My husband’s business troubles have caused big money problems and lots of arguing in our family.

Our kids have seen us fighting a lot, and it’s making them upset.

My 9-year-old even said maybe we should live with Nana to get away from it.

I feel like a terrible mum. Elise, 41

A There will be families up and down the country in your situation, pet. Probably up and down your own street!

Money makes things fraught, lack of money even more so.

So don’t be so hard on yourself about this.

Rather than you and your husband being at loggerheads, try and fix the problem together.

The pair of you should review all your household expenses like food, bills and debt.

And then create a plan – while supporting each other.

I’ve let my parents down

Q Mum and Dad sent me to a really good school, but now I’m only making a little more than minimum wage.

I think they’re probably disappointed in me.

Even though I like my job, it doesn’t pay much and everyone around me seems to be doing really well financially.

I’m in my 30s now, with three kids, and it feels too late to try something new.

I feel stuck.

Katrina, 38

A Everyone feels like they’re failing at some point, pet. We all experience setbacks and challenges.

Ask yourself these questions – are you feeling fulfilled? Are you happy?

That’s all our parents ever really want for us.

If you’re not, then take a look at why.

Explore other options that might make you feel more satisfied in life, flower.


Billy no-mates

Q I’m in my 30s and feel like I don’t really have any friends.

I have people I talk to when I bump into them but, except for my husband, there’s no one that I could meet up with fo