Ask aunty nelly

2 min read

Our Antonella tells it how it is

I don’t fancy my fella

Q I’ve been with my partner for a really long time and we have kids together but, lately, our sex life has become non-existent.

I thought it was because of early menopause but I’ve realised that I’m just not attracted to him any more.

I don’t know how to talk to him about it without hurting him.

I’m scared of making a big mistake, and worried about being alone.

A Rather than definitively deciding that you don’t fancy him any more, have you tried to kick-start the intimacy in the relationship?

It doesn’t always mean sex – it could be holding hands, date nights, a nice meal.

It’s all too easy to get bogged down by life, so try to have a laugh together.

Remember, there was a spark between you once.

Make sure it can’t be rekindled before you do anything drastic.

Hooked on online shopping

Q I have a hard time controlling my urge to shop – it’s putting me in debt.

And it’s making me feel really stressed.

I try to stick to a budget, but I just can’t resist buying stuff that I don’t really need – especially online.

I’m worried about what will happen if I keep spending like this.

A Recognising that you have a problem is a great first step, and now you can gain control, flower. What are your triggers? Make a plan to start chipping away your debt but also see if there’s room in your budget for a controlled shopping spree.

If you make yourself wait to purchase, you might decide you don’t need it all, love.

If this continues to spiral, seek help from your GP.

Is it time to track down my dad?

Q I lost touch with my dad after he left when I was a child.

Mum never really spoke about him, good or bad, but my grandparents said he wasn’t the nicest.

Now I have my own kids, I feel like it could be time to fix our relationship.

I’m mad at him for walking out, but wonder if there’s more to the story.

A There’s always two sides to a story, petal. But listen to those you love and who