Love at first fright

3 min read


This issue, in our weekly showcase from our sister site Truly, we meet Rebekah, who has two loves in her life, but one of them isn’t living

When Rebekah first met her boyfriend in front of a local historic home, it was love at first sight.

Or should that be fright? Because the object of Rebekah’s affections was in fact a handsome, fair-haired ghost named Rupert.

She says that he was once a soldier in the Revolutionary War, alive during the late 1700s and originally from Wales.

Rebekah, who works as a ghost guide helping others connect with the paranormal, recalls that she first met Rupert when he joined one of her sessions.

‘He was following a ghost tour that I had just led and he called out to me,’ says Rebekah.

‘He asked me if I was walking home alone and asked if he could escort me.’ At first she got stranger danger vibes.

‘That’d never happened to me before, especially from a ghost,’ she says.

But as Rupert seemed really nice, she gave him a chance.

‘I thought, all right, I’ll give you five blocks,’ she says.

After that, despite the fact that one of them had been dead for around 300 years, Rebekah says the pair became close and fell in love.

She later learnt that she knew Rupert in a past life.

In fact, according to Rebekah, a past-life regression revealed that the pair were married back in 1781 when he was stationed in the US.

‘I had this cross validated from other hypnotists and psychic mediums,’ she says.

They spend a lot of time hanging out together in graveyards

No wonder there was a connection.

But of course their relationship is different from most, with Rebekah saying that they primarily share an emotional relationship rather than a sexual one.

‘Because of the very clear physical differences between us,’ she explains. When Rebekah later met Katharyn on TikTok, things became even more complicated.

After a year of talking, the women became a couple. Rebekah even took Katharyn on a ghost tour, introducing her to all her closest ghostly friends.

And then she told her about her special relationship with Rupert.

Thankfully, Katharyn was accepting of their unusual union.

‘Rupert and I are friends, we’ve hung out, we’ve had conversations, we’ve gone on trips together,’ she says.

She claims there’s no jealousy at all.

‘I feel excitement and pride for the both of them,’ she adds.

Rebekah and Katharyn soon started posting about their friendships with ghosts online.

Although some people said they were crazy, they didn’t let it put them off.

‘You don’t have to like me, you don’t have to watch me,’ says Katharyn.

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