Ask aunty nelly

2 min read

Our Antonella tells it how it is

Stuck with my ex

Q I broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago. We’d been together for a while and we have a lot of common friends.

I still want to see these friends but I have no interest in maintaining any contact with my ex.

I feel stuck – what can I do?

A This is going to be a tricky one to navigate, but reach out to your friends one-on-one and explain the situation and your feelings to them. Don’t ask them to choose between you and your ex – that’s not fair.

Just explain that you might not be at every social gathering from now on. As time passes, you might find it easier to be friendly with your ex, hun.

Scared to have sex

Q I’m 20 years old and still a virgin. I feel ready for sex but whenever I find myself close to a man I get paranoid and I panic.

Pals say it’ll happen when it happens but I’m tired of waiting. I feel like I’m missing out on something amazing.

I don’t understand why it feels like such a big deal to me.

Please help! I’m not sure how to get past this.

A It’s normal to feel nervous about intimacy, my love. My advice is don’t rush it.

The more pressure you put on losing your virginity, the more panicky you’ll feel!

It can be difficult to find a suitable partner. You don’t have to want to spend the rest of your life with that man but you need to trust them and know that they respect you.

Once you find the right bloke, the moment will come.

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