China Report Magazine
22 January 2024
While the UK and Greece are squabbling over the return of Elgin Marbles, China has been pushing for the return of its own cultural relics from abroad through civil campaigns and diplomacy (p.19-25). In China, how fashion markets, and many other sectors, are embracing online future (p.40-44). Plus, a cluster of outstanding pieces: Why U Penn is going to award a posthumous Bachelor’s of Architecture to China’s first female architect and cultural icon Lin Huiying (p.52-55); In the travelogue OutsideIn, Michael Jones recounts his experience of visiting Zhujiajiao, a river-side town in the suburbs of Shanghai (p.60-61). And the Real Chinese section tells you why it is so fashionable in China to pursue qingxu jiazhi – emotional value (p.64)
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