Deap vally

2 min read

The American duo play their final shows, in the UK, before calling time on being a band.


After a 13-year run during which the California-based duo released four albums, an EP and several singles, it’s time to say goodbye to guitarist and vocalist Lindsey Troy and drummer Julie Edwards, a duo once described as having the scuzz of The White Stripes and Led Zeppelin’s power.

Why is this Deap Vally’s final UK tour?

Lindsey Troy: We each have two small children, and it’s increasingly difficult to maintain trajectory as an indie band. So Julie is going back to school to become a forensic psychologist. It seemed weird to continue the band without her, so we are doing one last big farewell tour to really make it count.

Julie Edwards: As Kenny Rogers so wisely said, ya gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em.

Is it a complete end for Deap Vally?

 JE: As a touring band making records, this is it.

  LT: We will remain open to collaboration in regard to writing and recording if an opportunity arises. For instance, sometimes we get requests to write songs for movies and videogames.

How do you expect to feel after the cheers for the last song fade?

JE: The reality of it will hit us pretty hard.

LT: There will probably be some tears. The last show is in Bristol. We wanted to wrap things up in the UK, the first place our career as a band really took off.

And what happens next?

LT: We’ll both be excited to return home to our children and give them the attention they deserve. I’m writing my solo record right now. 

JE: Very unexpectedly my old friend Solon Bixler and I started a new project called Dosiopath, and we’re actually opening on some of the Deap Vally farewell dates. Then I must complete my prerequisites to enter grad school, and also find a job. Anyone hiring?

In a ‘closing of the circle’-type move, Deap Vally’s final release is an expanded re-recording of the 2013 debut Sistrionix.

LT: I love that we reclaimed

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