Meghan’s ‘fury’ after royal funeral snubs

4 min read

While many hoped the loss of the Queen would help heal the rift between the Sussexes and the Royals, insiders say Meghan Markle has been left ‘biting her lip’


The past fortnight has seen sorrow and splendour as the Royal Family and the nation united to mourn the late Queen Elizabeth II, who was laid to rest at St George’s Chapel in Windsor last week.

While the adored monarch’s state funeral at Westminster Abbey was an occasion for the grandest of displays – with over 10 military regiments and thousands of members of the public accompanying the Queen’s coffin, resplendent in yellow, red and gold – at the heart of the procession was a family grieving in public.


It also marked the first time Prince Harry, 38, and Meghan Markle, 41, had been among all the Royals since they stepped down as working members of the family in January 2020. Fans were touched by poignant images of Harry marching behind his late grandmother’s coffin alongside his brother, Prince William, with whom relations have been strained.

Kate Middleton, the new Princess of Wales, and Meghan greeted people laying flowers and paying respects outside Windsor Castle two days after the Queen’s death. They later stood close to each other during last Monday’s funeral service, during which Meghan wiped away a tear with a gloved hand.

However, Royal insiders and experts revealed the shaky truce was very much temporary after a series of decisions were made which infuriated the Sussexes.

The first apparent snub occurred when Harry flew alone to Balmoral – as King Charles only wanted close family to attend – after hearing of his grandmother’s ill health. After a furious row with King Charles – during which he begged for Meghan to be allowed to visit – he missed his flight and arrived after the Queen had died. He was said to be so angry he refused to have dinner with his father and brother that evening and flew back to be with Meghan in London early the next morning.

His right to wear his military uniform at the Queen’s funeral was also revoked, with a spokesperson for Harry confirming he would wear a “morning suit”. And sources revealed he had been left “heartbroken” that the Queen’s Royal “E.R.” cypher had been removed from the shoulder of his uniform as royal rule dictates for non-working members of the family. The decision was, however, reversed for the “grandchildren’s vigil” last Saturday night.


In another snub, the couple are then thought to have discovered through the press that their invitation to the State Reception at Buckingham Palace on Sunday evening – which saw the Royals greet Heads of State from across the globe, including US president Joe Biden – had been reversed and they were no longer welcome.

All smiles in 2018 at Wimbledon

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