‘i earn £10k a month hurling insults at men’

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Jennifer Love, 25, has boosted her confidence and bank balance by ridiculing her customers on the internet…

Financial dominatrix Jennifer

When Jennifer Love began waiting tables before lockdown, she never imagined that two and a half years later she’d be in a job where she actually gets paid to spit at her customers!

After losing her waitressing job during the pandemic, Jennifer, from Reading, started a new sideline posting pictures on X-rated internet platform OnlyFans, which spiralled into a more unusual line of work.

Jennifer is now a financial dominatrix, which sees her degrading clients over text, voice-notes, personalised videos or live sessions, mostly for those who consider themselves “Pay Pigs” – someone who enjoys sending money in order to feel humiliated and mocked for sexual gratification.

Jennifer says, “When I started on OnlyFans, I approached the whole thing with a ‘Why not?’ attitude. Then I started to get personal requests through my Instagram and TikTok of men wanting to send me money without anything in return.

I thought it was a scam, so I ignored them, but when one came through OnlyFans, asking if he could send me some expensive new clothes, I soon realised it was for real.


“Once I agreed to the first one, the requests to send me gifts and cash started flooding in. Then someone asked for a video of me ridiculing them, in return for £100.

“I was taken aback at first, as it’s not in my nature at all to be nasty, but the client convinced me that this was his kink and that he wanted it.”

After she’d filmed her first video in a black silk gown, hurling insults such as, “You’re so pathetic”, into the camera, Jennifer felt herself cringe. She couldn’t imagine how the client would respond, but he was over the moon.

“Most of my male clients want to be emasculated, so hearing me tell them that they’d never be good enough for me, or that they’re too short, or that other men are much better than them, turns them on.

“Sometimes I feel guilty, or worry that I’ve gone too far,” she admits. “But clients are always very grateful so that reassures me.

“Prior to each session or video, I ask them if there are any no-gos – I’d never want to give someone a complex about something they weren’t already aware of. I tend to steer clear of pointing out looks or weight, unless I’ve been asked to or the conversation steers that way; I’m very much led by the client. One even asked me to spit at the camera, pretending it was his face.”

She only has to work between two and three hours a night, the busiest being weekends when men come home drunk from nights out. She says, “I go into bed on a Friday and Saturday night in ful

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