Pals beg kate to have ‘me time’

2 min read


After Kate Garraway’s latest airport incident, the brave star is now refusing to take a break without husband Derek Draper by her side

With Derek and her parents at the start of the summer

She’s been praised as a hero for the resilience, devotion and love she has shown since her husband Derek Draper’s Covid diagnosis in 2020, but it’s clear that after three years of caring for him, Kate Garraway is feeling the strain.


Last week, at the NTAs, the GMB and radio presenter, 56, revealed that she and her family – Derek, and their two children, Darcey, 17, and Billy, 14 – were “ploughing on” through Derek’s on-going health battle.

Kate also revealed how their summer had been affected by a horrible experience that Derek, 56, suffered at Heathrow on the way home from a medical trip when he ended up stuck in the airport’s new disabled passport-check system when it failed to work.

The couple a year before Covid struck

And now a source says that while friends and family are encouraging Kate to take a break from her duties as Derek’s main carer – alongside a team of NHS staff, who Kate consistently champions – she is refusing to leave Derek behind. The source says, “Kate has been urged to give herself some kind of ‘me time’ after everything she’s been through – but she feels terrified by the thought of leaving Derek behind.

“Kate is still putting on a brave face through it all, but the cracks are beginning to show. She feels stuck at times and mourns the loss of her freedom to travel with Derek. The family is still on a roller coaster and sadly it’s not getting any easier.”

The insider adds that this latest saga has hit Kate and has also come as a stark realisation to her that the family may never be able to enjoy a holiday together again.

The family in 2019

They add, “After their scare at Heathrow, it’s made Kate realise that, despite all the miracle drugs and treatments on offer around the world, the safest

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