Your stars

3 min read

21-27 MAY




This is the most exciting week for you as Jupiter moves into your sign. It’s been a long time since you’ve had a cosmic boost like this. Take a little time to think and contemplate. What do you wish for? What it is you wish for, you’ll likely get. Visit Yasminboland. com for your daily horoscope


Friendships have been a little topsy turvy of late. If this has rattled you emotionally, then this week may bring some relief. Extend or accept an olive branch. See the best in those who have hurt you. Forgive yourself. Some time alone will do you the world of good. Visit for your daily horoscope


You’ll enter a double luck phase this week as Jupiter arrives in your Luck Zone. This isn’t necessarily winning the lotto type of luck. It’s more about opening up to new possibilities and opportunities that are available. Changing the way you think about your luck is what will bring it. Visit for your daily horoscope


It’s your Career and Life Direction that is going to be loaded with new opportunities and growth possibilities. With so many options available to you, remember that you always have a choice. Decision fatigue may be real. Take time if you need it to make a decision this week. Visit for your daily horoscope


It doesn’t always feel like it at the time, but the changes you’ve made will begin to bear fruit. When you decide to change things, you see life or a particular situation from an entirely new point of view. The world is about to open up to you. Be ready. Visit for your daily horoscope


Your relationships have had their fair share of ups and downs for as long as you can remember. It’s taken a toll! You now have the chance to kiss and make up, or perhaps it’s more about forgiving and forgetting. The trust you seek is found in taking the higher road. Visit for your daily horoscope


You can expect some of the happiest moments in love this week. That’s due to your planet, Jupiter, arriving in your Relationship Zone. Personal or professional, other people are coming into your life to elevate

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